Ph.D. Funding in the UK
For those not familiar with the current UK postgraduate funding system the primary way to obtain Ph.D. funding is not through the grants of individual investigators but through the following UK Research Council initiatives: Doctoral Training Partnerships and Centres for Doctoral Training. A small number of Ph.D.'s are funded each year through the NERC CASE studentship programme, which requires the input of a partner organisation. Self-funded studentships are an option as are overseas government funded positions (through scholarships etc.)
Current opportunities
SCENARIO DTP - Look for new projects in winter 2017 for a September 2018 start. Link
QMEE CDT - Look for new projects in winter 2017 for a September 2018 start. Link
Self funded students and students with the support of a potential partner organisation are very welcome to email inquiries about possible Ph.D. topics.
For students interested in being co-supervised on an ectomycorrhizal-themed Canadian PhD program please see links to the Pither Lab here.
QMEE CDT - Look for new projects in winter 2017 for a September 2018 start. Link
Self funded students and students with the support of a potential partner organisation are very welcome to email inquiries about possible Ph.D. topics.
For students interested in being co-supervised on an ectomycorrhizal-themed Canadian PhD program please see links to the Pither Lab here.